You are invited to attend our meeting on September 25th on 7:30pm. Dress is casual dresses for lady officers and casual business shirts for male officers. We will have our Annual meeting with reports and the Elections of Officers. We will be voting on our dues structure (per our by laws) for 2021 at this meeting.
We have had 2 ‘in person’ meetings since the last newsletter.. It was wonderful to be able to ‘see’ everyone even if they were behind masks. At our meetings we were able to complete some business we could not do since the shut down of COVID from March through June. We were able to congratulation Aime Busby WM on her Rob Morris jewel, Sharon Bush GGCCM handed out Mother Hens to Brian Smith PGP, Kevin Bailey, Loiis TaylorPM, and Lisa Creeden, we recognized our Longevity member present, Lisa Britko PM , on 25 years of membership, and thanked Grand Representatives and PM/PP for their service.
Since our last newsletter we said a sad goodbye to one of our members when Sister Karlyne (Kay) S. Ainsworth passed in August. Our symoathy to her Sister, our Sister Judith S Bausha. We have just received news that we lost another Past Grand Patron- Stanley J Rappe passed away, and Sr Rennie Ofton PMWGM also passed this week (we will be draping Altar accordingly).We said congratulations to Sister Nikia A (Quesnel) on her marriage to Patrick Davis, and to Sister Julie Marciello on becoming a grandmother again (Alexis Moulton had another beautiful little girl). We have been keeping several members in our thoughts and prayers going through health struggles. Sister Lorraine Thompson PGM has been in/out of hospital and is expecting to have surgery soon. Sister Angela Isaia and Brother Rick Thompson PP had recent surgery and are recovering. Get well to Sisters Pam Williams PM, Lisa Britko PM and Tammy Dozois on their recent health struggles. Thoughts and prayers are with our Brothers Dave Henry, Dave Thompson PGP, and Sisters Annie Rice, Anne Senter PM, Lil Calloway, Cindy Covey who continue with their health struggles. We were delighted to hear our Rainbow assembly has started meetings again as well and just had an Installation (using Social Distancing). and the NH DeMolay just had a State Installation of their new crew of Officers. We congratulate our Youth program as they become active again. We were able to give to the Over the Edge Fundraiser for Scottish Rite Dyslexia Center in Nashua, purchase masks as fundraiser for a woman out of work and in need, and give money from our lunch pail to the Blessings in a Backpack program in Manchester (Thank you Sr Nancy Brooks PM and Jen Pizzi for working on this event). It felt great to get back to doing our good works.
Our Associate Matron, Lisa Britko PM, has asked for an Open Installation on October 3rd at 10 am. Friends, family and Pilgrim Members are invited to attend. We will maintain social distance guideline, and all need temperatures taken and masks worn for event. There will be a rehearsal for the Installation on September 26 in the afternoon after the Masonic event lets out (approx 3pm), and then the morning of the Installation at approx 9am. There is no collation afterwards. Dress should be white gowns and tuxes (I suspect) for this event.
We hope to see many at our next meeting- please come!