Colors Green, White and Gold
Emblem  The Clover, Shamrock
 Flower:  Red Rose
 Mascot:  The Leprechaun
 Motto:  “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be at your back, may the sun shine bright upon your face, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of God’s hand.”
 Charity: Scottish Rite Learning Center for Dyslexia
 Bible Verse: Worthy Matron-“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

Worthy Patron-“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)
Songs: “Here I Am Lord”, “I Would Be True”, “This Is My Father’s World”
Visiting Committee
Lisa Britko, W.M.
Raymond M. Flynn, W.P.
Stacy M. Desrosiers, A.M.
John W. Jackson A.P., P.P.
Shelley M. Gullett, Coductress
Linda A. Maynard, Assoc. Conductress
Jean C. Sudsbury, P.M.
V. Irene Prevost, P.M.
Ellen Morrill, P.M.
All Members
Ruth J. Holmes, P.M.
Albert C. Dudley, P.P.
Susan I. Douglas, P.M.
Examining Committee
Brian J. Smith, P.P.
Joan L. Smith, P.M.
Susan I. Douglas, P.M.
Pamela G. Williams, P.M.
Relief Committee
Lisa Britko, W.M
Raymond M. Flynn, W.P.
Stacy M. Desrosiers, A.M.
John W. Jackson
Jean C. Sudsbury, P.M.
Beverly F. Burleigh, P.M.
Ruth Holmes, P.M.
Grand Chapter Representative
Shelly M. Gullett, Conductress
Linda A. Maynard, A.C. Alternate
Instruction Committee 
Patricia W. Hills, P.G.M.
Brian J. Smith.
Lisa J. Markarian, P.M.
Susan Douglas
Stacy M. Desrosiers, A.M.
All Members
School of Industruction Delegates
Lisa F. Britko, W.M.
Raymond M. Flynn, W.P.
All P.M./P.P.