Dear Pilgrim Chapter members:

Happy New Year!

With all of us quietly tucked in our homes away from each other while our meetings in-person are in suspension and COVID 19 numbers continue to soar, I wish to make sure that all Chapters and members are keeping in touch with each other and connected as Eastern Star members.  Eastern Star, by its very being and premise, is a social organization, and for us not to join together and socialize is most difficult to the core of our promise to each other.

That being said, my New Years wish to all is a reminder for us all to stay connected to each other for it is the purest act of kindness. There are many ways to stay in touch with each other:

  1. The simplest communication is of course by calling on the phone and chatting with members we have not seen in a while. Writing notes and sending cards to those members -especially helpful for those who can re-read them over and over again. Check with your Secretary for a list of members and addresses  that may need  checking on during these pandemic times
  2. Purchase a subscription for the Guidepost -for yourself or for other members- to read and stay connected- easily done by sending name and contact information to Lisa Proulx PM at or 6 Potanipo Hill Rd Brookline NH 03033 – the cost is $10 a year and well worth the investment to stay connected
  3. The electronic messages that are sent out almost daily by the Guidepost team (E-Guidepost) can keep members up to date on events and activities going on in Eastern Star. Again- sign up for this free messaging system with Lisa Proulx PM at contact info above
  4. Our New Hampshire Order of the Eastern Star Facebook site has frequent posts from members to let you know what events are going on within the state, and often a source of good news about the good deeds we do. Check out the site by going to:
  5. Our NH Eastern Star is full of lots of information including forms to use (such as Travel Booklets, General Grand Chapter Membership  awards, Petitions, Ferguson Sawyer Relief, and Educational Scholarship Forms), Grand Representative appointments,  information on Grand Officers, Secretaries and Chapters, and events happening. Check out the site by going to:

While we are absent – one from another- let us keep the Eastern Star fires burning bright…. so when we return our Star will be brighter than ever!

Peace and prosperity, health and goodwill be with you all!

In Star Love

Joan L Smith, WGM